1 quai de la Corse
75004 Paris
N°TVA : 93421484718



Gérard spent 40 years at Vallourec, a french origin OCTG (Oil & Gas Country Tubular Goods) multinational manufacturer. At Vallourec, Gérard held successive responsabilities in manufacturing, marketing, HR, business units management, M&A and strategy. Gérard was a member of the Vallourec Executive Committee for a 9 years period.

Gérard is a graduate from Ecole Centrale de Paris (1974), holds a Master in Business Administration from INSEAD at Fontainebleau, France (1978) and was granted Auditorship by the Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances, Paris (2004).

After having retired from Vallourec on July 2017, Gérard joined ORAXYS, a Luxemburg based Private Equity fund specialised in participations in Environment business small caps.

Gérard is also a Director and Strategic Committee President of POCLAIN, a hydraulic systems provider and a Director & Treasurer of the Foundation of Montcheuil.

Gérard is a French national, speaks fluent English and has a strong command of German, Spanish and Brazilian languages.

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